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Demo Go Client

Access configuration data with a go application


Our go-client for accessing configuration data stored in ConfigSeeder is available at

All examples use the same configuration data set up in section Prepare ConfigSeeder. All examples use the same confiseeder.yaml created in the according section.

Please see for more examples.

Prepare ConfigSeeder

Create a configuration group go-client-demo with the following configuration values and an API Key with access to the created configuration group:

Prepare your go project

Add dependency to go-client

If you are using dep, add the following dependency:

  branch = "staging"
  name = ""

Provide configseeder.yaml

    environmentKey: "TEST"                          (1)
    #fullForNonFiltered: true
    #dateTime: "2001-02-03T04:05:06"
    connectionTimeout: 2000
    readTimeout: 2000
    configurationGroupKeys: "go-client-demo"        (2)
    initializationMode: "EAGER"
    refreshMode: "LAZY"
    refreshCycle: 15000
    serverUrl: ""
    apiKey: "<apikey>"                              (3)

  1. Set the Environment for which the Configuration Values should be loaded
  2. Select the Configuration Group
  3. Enter an API Key with access to the selected Environment and Configuration Group

Example 1: Print all loaded Configuration Values

func main() {
	// Setup Flags for ConfigSeeder access configuration
	client := configseeder.ClientImplementation{}

	// initialize go client
	err := client.Init(nil)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error while initializing configseeder client", err)

	// Get data from ConfigSeeder
	configValueDtos, err := client.GetConfigValues()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error while reading config values", err)

	// Print values

func printConfigValues(configValueDtos []model.ConfigValueDto) {
	if len(configValueDtos) > 0 {
		writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 0, 1, ' ', 0)
		_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",
			"key", "value", "secured", "environment")

		for _, configValueDto := range configValueDtos {
			key := configValueDto.Key
			value := configValueDto.Value
			secured := configValueDto.Secured
			environment := getValue(configValueDto.Environment)

			_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s\t%s\t%t\t%s\n",
				key, value, secured, environment)

		_ = writer.Flush()

func getValue(value *string) string {
	if value != nil {
		return *value
	return ""

When running the application the following output should be generated:

Received 3 ConfigValues from ConfigSeeder:

key value secured environment
a.key some value test false TEST
another.key another value false
secret.key secret value test true TEST

Example 2: Getting the value for a specific key

If only a single Config Value must be retrived, you can use the function GetConfigValue():

func main() {
	// Setup Flags for ConfigSeeder access configuration
	client := configseeder.ClientImplementation{}

	// initialize go client
	err := client.Init(nil)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error while initializing configseeder client", err)

	// Get configvalue from ConfigSeeder
	key := "a.key"
	configValue, err := client.GetConfigValue(key)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error while reading config value", err)

	fmt.Printf("Value for key %s: %s", key, configValue.Value)

This code should generate the following output:

Value for key a.key: some value test