ConfigSeeder® – The #1 Application Configuration Management Tool
ConfigSeeder® is a configuration management system that securely stores your application configuration at a central place. It manages the configuration of all your applications and environments. ConfigSeeder® offers a fine-grained access control system and integrates with your existing security infrastructure (OIDC, SAML).
Unlike most other application configuration management tools, we not only provide a Rest API and some Clients, but also offer integration for runtime environments. Please see:
- Ecosystem for a description of all our components
- Kubernetes Connector and Kubernetes Connector in a multi-cluster setup for ConfigSeeder® Kubernetes Integration.
- ConfigSeeder® & Linux/Windows integration
If you don’t know how an application configuration management software can help you, or if you need arguments why you should introduce ConfigSeeder®, have a look at our articles ConfigSeeder introduction and Why should you consider ConfigSeeder?
Powerful Features of ConfigSeeder® Tool
Basic features that every application configuration management tool should be capable of:
Other Features
Some other awesome features of our application configuration management tool:
Check references from companies who are using our software.
Für die Aargauische Kantonalbank ist es eine strategische Vorgabe, die Durchlaufzeiten für Applikationsbereitstellung zu reduzieren. ConfigSeeder bietet uns die Möglichkeit, in einer komplexen Servicekette den Taylorismus stringent zu unterstützen. Die Zentralisierung der Konfigurationsdaten erleichtert auch die Durchsetzung der definierten Design-Prinzipien (z.B. alle Passwörter werden verschlüsselt abgelegt). Zudem ist die Konsistenz der Konfigurationsdaten über unterschiedliche Release-Zyklen sichergestellt.
ConfigSeeder enables us to adjust the configuration of our applications according to time and version, thus minimizing manual configuration interventions right up to production. We use ConfigSeeder both for classic JEE applications and for our new cloud native services in the Kubernetes environment.
Expect a new feature release every month. For blocking bugs intermediate bugfix releases will be published.
2.27.0 Q1/2025
- Maintenance Release
2.28.0 Q2/2025
- Maintenance Release